
Ghoomophiro by Himadri Garg (Book Review – 3.5/5)

Full of photographs, souvenirs and trinkets from around the world, the Kumar house was nothing short of a mini-museum of the flavours from the world. There were preserve-me glow balls from places that no longer existed- like the great barrier reef or the Hawaiian Islands, along with memory-cubes, that contained snap-shot holograms of places that the residents had been to and wanted to revisit virtually anytime they wanted. Happy photographs of family members, still framed, instead of the now common digital screen-shots that kept changing as per calendar events, awards and certificates for varied accomplishments, both professional and personal and signs of a well-read occupant were all visible. The house, to say the least, had character and spoke for itself, even though, ironically, most of its members did not as much. Ghoomophiro is the story of two sisters Nitika and Kritika and their exciting much-awaited trip with their family. Both of them are travelers and during this trip, family discusses everything about their travel tales.

Title: Ghoomophiro
Author: Himadri Garg
Paperback: 195 pages
Publisher: Kalamos Literary Services LLP (4 January 2019)
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Travel Writing
Source: Author’ Review Copy
Rating: 🌟 🌟 🌟 ½


Keeping a travel journal requires a little effort, but it is absolutely worth it, travel journal is a personal memento that you can cherish later. After Reading Ghoomophiro, I felt like I should maintain a travel journal just to live those moments again.

Ghoomophiro is a travel fiction of two sisters Nikita and Kritika set in somewhere between in 2030 to 2050. The story explores the adventurous escape of the Kumar’s Three Generation Family.

Being tied up to the technology, Nikita and Kritika’s kids are lost in their mechanical life, In fact the whole Kumar’s Family. Just when the kids were fascinatingly viewing about underwater exploration by Scuba Dive in the great barrier reef, Kritika shares the info that largest sea turtles & the largest arthropods can be still found in Andaman and Nicobar Island. That’s when Nikita decides to switch the atmosphere and drops the idea of travelling to Andaman and Nicobar Island with the family.

What comes next is their travel adventures, while the sisters try to bring them closer and to keep them away from the technology as much as possible. While they’re travelling Nikita and Kritika shares their travel experiences with the family which fascinates them.

The plot and setting are probably the strongest aspects of this novel. The stories of Nikita and Kritika were interesting and full of adventure. At first it was difficult to remember the names of the characters, most of the names sounded same, but as the story progress you will get into their characters. You feel like you have experienced or seen someone closely experiencing the similar circumstances. The story maintains its quick pace, but the narration seemed flat at the few places, which kind of slowed down the pace.

Overall, Ghoomophiro is an honest effort by Himadri Garg, something which is much needed in the debut novel. On the whole I enjoyed reading this, it’s been a long time, ever since I read any travel fiction and I’m glad that Ghoomophiro turned out to be what I’d expected, excepts few flaws. I would rate this book with 3.5 out of 5 stars. And would recommend this to those who enjoy reading about travel, give it a try!

Himadri Garg is a traveler, photographer, and digital marketer. Currently working as Digital Head in a marketing service agency, she is as well as following her passion for trekking, traveling & photography.

She has been traveling and sharing her travel tales via photography exhibition, blogs and conversations in various travel meetups.
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